Hardly any business owner and/or entrepreneur would call her company “a social experiment”. I have to recognize that I proudly do. When I read James Lawther guest blog (A View from the Q, August 2015) I immediately thought of Ludovico, a print shop I have owned with my high school and basketball buddy Jorge Fernández for the last sixteen years. Lawther ends his blog with these words “the way to create a high performance culture is to seek out poor performance, embrace it and fix it, not punish it”. That is precisely what we have done from day one.…
Author: Edwin Garro
It´s almost nine pm here in San José, Costa Rica, and I´m asking my Innovation students what are their favorite apps or websites for corporate or personal communications. So the last twenty minutes of our class they will share their digital taste. These are millennials and gen X´s, so their apps may not be the usual. Carlos, a journalist and entrepreneur, suggests Periscope, a free app that allows users to make inexpensive live videos, with nothing but a smart phone. It used to take TV networks a lot of equipment; money and a full crew to broadcast live;…
Cuando inicio un curso de Diseño de Experimentos, o cuando veo el tema en los programas de CQE, Green Belt o Black Belt, siempre comienzo con esta frase: “El diseño de experimentos no existe”. Y así arranca la clase, sin factoriales, ni diseños robustos, sin referencia a lo ortogonal o la ortogonalidad, sin coeficiente de determinación… Y mucho menos superficies de respuesta, no Box Behnken, cero Plackett Burman, Taguchi. Y así, sin efectos confundidos, arranco con un montón de estudiantes confundidos. ¿Qué tal? – pregunto – ¿qué tal si nos dedicamos a observar, a conocer, a entender el…
Sunil Kaushik, a fellow Influential Voices blogger recently wrote about how he practiced lean principles to travel to Egypt (you can read about his excellent experience here). His blog opened a great topic for this month´s respond: “how to apply our profession in our daily life”. That triggered an old “mental exercise” about creating a work related comic or sitcom. Many of our daily work experiences can either be compared with an old “Twilight Zone” episode, or something out of “The Office” British and American sitcoms. So a couple of folks and I talked one afternoon about creating…
Quick advice: go read this thing. The eleven essays sandwiched between Bill Troy´s introduction and Cecilia Kimberlin conclusion (ASQ CEO and ASQ Chair for 2015 respectively) are some of the finest business, social, public, engineering and of course QUALITY readings one can find. Just two days ago I told Luz María Karg, head of ASQ Mexico, that if there is one thing ASQ does right is precisely this “Future of Quality” report. Whether you are a member of ASQ or not, you can download the report here… And a quick note: if you are NOT a member, what are…
Nashville, Tennessee, fue la sede del Congreso Mundial de Calidad y Productividad de ASQ. Dos hechos se juntan para darle forma a este y todos los futuros congresos de la America Society for Quality. Primero la muerte de Armand Feingenbaum el 13 de Noviembre de 2014, inicia la era “post-gurús”, y segundo la presencia cada más evidente de miembros internacionales que van (vamos…) dando forma al ideal de globalidad de la red de profesionales de calidad más antigua e importante del mundo. De atrás hacia adelante: Rolando Guido, Franklin Acuña, Kenneth Quirós, Javier González. Sin ninguno de los…
La ciudad de Charleston, Carolina del Sur, recibió a 17 profesionales costarricenses en la tercera edición del Lean Camp. Esta actividad de “benchmarking” nos permite visitar las instalaciones de los mejores practicantes de Lean y Six Sigma en el mundo. El College of Charleston, una de las universidades más prestigiosas y con más historia en los Estados Unidos fue nuestra institución anfitriona. Los doctores Gioconda Quesada y Marvin González del departamento de Supply Chain and Information Technology, ambos costarricenses radicados en Charleston, fueron los organizadores principales. Además tuvieron el apoyo del “chair” del departamento el Dr. Joshua Davis. …
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, STEM, is the topic Bill Troy asked to discuss in his March, A View from the Q blog. I will answer in two parts. In part one, I will discuss how to encourage STEM in general, and then in part two I will give a few examples from my own country Costa Rica. ENCOURAGING SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MATH Teachers at all levels, from elementary school to college, try to do their best to instill STEM in their students. But for some reason early in our education, we come to the wrong…
La satisfacción más grande luego del II Foro Lean Six Sigma no es la cantidad de participantes (cerca de 200), tampoco la calidad de las doce ponencias nacionales y las dos ponencias internacionales, sino la consolidación de la Red Nacional Lean Six Sigma. Esto no es cosa de una empresa, es el resultado del trabajo de profesionales de decenas de empresas, instituciones y hasta la participación formal y oficial del gobierno de Costa Rica. Justo antes de la primera charla plenaria ANTES DEL FORO Desde hace 8 meses diferentes grupos trabajaron en la organización del foro. Las principales…
The moment I started to write this blog I got a call from my wife and my two daughters, they were about to have coffee in a near shopping mall and invited me in. My son Antonio was somewhere else so it was a conversation between the girls in the family and myself (tough crowd: Carmen, my wife, just finished her college degree in Mathematics, Sofia is in second year of Actuarial Sciences and Math, and Carmencita (Little Carmen) is starting her second year of Statistics). I told them I was about to respond to Bill Troy’s “Why Should…
Costa Rican astronaut and entrepreneur Franklin Chang-Diaz most famous quote is “Nobody gets anywhere without the help of others”. I have never met Dr. Chang-Diaz, and I’m not going to talk about him, but I surely agree with his quote. All of us owe our achievements, big or small, to others. This is precisely the subject of the monthly respond to A View from the Q, this time, who’s been an influence and an inspiration in my quality journey? I could write about my parents, certainly a positive influence for me, teachers, bosses, coaches, college professors, but today…
For this week’s blog I’m going to do something different. First, I’m going to kill two birds with one stone. This blog will be graded as part of a MOOC course (Learning How to Learn, from Coursera). For those of you not familiar with it, Coursera is a Massive Open Online Course platform that allows people from all over the world to have free high quality training over the Internet. By massive I mean MASSIVE as thousand of students from all places take the same course at the same time. I have taken courses in mathematical modeling, design thinking,…
Establishing and maintaining a culture of quality affects Latin America’s bottom line and competitiveness says a study by ASQ and Forbes. While challenges exist, improvement is forthcoming. The role of the customer is a critical factor in creating and sustaining a successful culture of quality, according to new research by ASQ and Forbes Insights, but only 24 percent of respondents say their organization is highly effective in identifying customer needs. And while 90 percent of respondents say customer needs are the main drivers of their quality programs, only 34 percent say customer needs dictate their organizations’ quality objectives.…
For today’s blog, in response to the December 2014 View from the Q post, I’m going to borrow my all time favorite Mafalda comic strip (or at least part of it). For those of you who don’t know her, Mafalda, by the great Argentinian cartoonist Quino, maybe the most influential cartoon ever in the Spanish language. Despite the fact that Quino only draw it from 1964 to 1973, it is still read by millions of readers all over the world. In this particular strip a couple of middle age, very successful executives chat about the time when they were…
Bill Troy asked two questions to quality professionals in his November 6th blog: Is every quality professional a leader? The two questions are, Do you think you are a quality leader? And, what kind of leadership training did you receive and was it enough? Let me start with question 2. There are too many sources recommending different techniques, recipes, and programs. Some of these sources compile large lists of traits that a leader should have, reducing leadership to personality characteristics. Other sources seem to concentrate on the example of historical and business personalities and their particular achievements. The first…
Mucho se habla en Costa Rica de la capacidad del Deportivo Saprissa para anotar goles en los últimos minutos de los partidos. Este fenómeno se conoce popularmente como anotar en la “Sapri-hora”. Veamos si podemos demostrar por medio de análisis estadístico si la Sapri-hora existe, o si es una leyenda urbana. Para iniciar vamos a usar el excelente despliegue de estadística descriptiva hecho con datos del periodista José Pablo Molina, y procesado por los economistas Juan Gabriel Alpízar y Didier Mora de la Unafut. Para este blog se utilizó el informe estadístico hasta la jornada 21, que a…
ASQ’s CEO, Bill Troy, asked in his October post how to encourage people to join or volunteer in professional associations, of course particularly ASQ. The way I see it, some of the conditions that originated ASQC in 1946 are now present but in a global scale. Think of the quality professionals just after World War II who created this wonderful association of experts that shared, sustained and expanded all those quality techniques used during wartime. The original ASQC had an enduring impact in the success of the postwar American industry. And that impact continues today in lots of…
NOTA: Este blog es la traducción de un blog anteriormente escrito en inglés para Influential Voices of Quality de ASQ. AUTOPOIESIS Y LA EVOLUCIÓN DE LA CALIDAD En el libro “El Árbol del Conocimiento” los biólogos chilenos Humberto Maturana y Francisco Varela introdujeron el concepto de autopoiesis (o autopoyesis), que describe como los sistemas biológicos son capaces de reproducirse y mantenerse a sí mismos. Me parece que el concepto es fascinante y aplicable más allá del ámbito de la biología. Veo una clara semejanza con organizaciones, sociedades y culturas. Cuando una entidad autopoiética interactúa con su entorno, la interacción depende…
Nuestro Director General nos habla sobre cómo está el tema de calidad en Centroamérica a través de un video para la ASQ.